Cedars Sinai Medical Center: Underground Tank Repair Project

Underground tank provides fuel to five critical power generators.

The sump reducers were not properly installed leading to water intrusion within the tank sump.

Close-up of poor fiberglass work at the sump reducer connection.

Existing piping penetration fittings were in need of replacement.

SoCal Compliance Services installed a dozen new Bravo Retrofit-S piping penetration fittings.

Existing fiberglass was removed, surfaces were properly sanded and transitions filled with fiberglass putty, then new fiberglass mat was laid out.

Fiberglass repair completed, sump is now water tight.

Existing tank fill sump was fitting with a new sump reducer that was fiberglassed to the tank sump as well.

After backfilling, rebar and concrete forms were installed. A new concrete tank pad was poured an finished.